I (27m straight) want to find a true partner in life.. a relationship based on mutual understanding, passion, and dedication.. I want a relationship where we both put in effort so we’re on the same page, and are willing to work to help eachother meet our needs emotionally, financially, sexually, etc

I’ve had no luck on OLD, although I tend to downplay what I’m looking for quite a bit, and just focus on trying to talk to people and get to know them in hopes of meeting and building a connection, having an open-minded, easygoing type of attitude.. it hasnt worked out yet.

Should I lead with it and be more direct about what I want in my profile and early messages, or does that come off as too intense? Are there certain apps and physical places I should use/goto to find someone?

What do you think?

Feel free to ask any questions. I’m an open book.

  1. i personally (23f) look for connection. connection can mean myriad things. put in bio if you’re so passionate about what you want. but btw it will probs go over better in apps that are “relationship minded.” legit that’s nearly hinge’s marketing tagline although others are better for what you are seeking seemingly

  2. Yes. Be direct from the get go about what you want. I switched to this approach and it is working far better for me, in fact I am dating someone who wants to settle and has the same values as me. They arent afraid of commitment and arent looking to “see how it goes”, they know what their goal is (serious relationship).

    Edit – I use Hinge.

  3. I have to ask now, what is old? I can’t seem to find it through Google search

  4. What can you do club wise? I think for online dating it can feel weird to just make a date. I do bumble and even if I talk to someone for awhile to get to the real
    life side feels hard but maybe if you are doing something like a trash pick up or run club or even a pottery or workout class, it’ll feel more organic? I know everyone gives this advice but I think at this age it is harder and you have to get creative

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