We have been planning this since January. Over spring break, we are going to travel to my home country (Belarus) so he can meet my family and see the city I come from. We are both veterinary students in the United States. He is American.
But he told me this morning that his parents have convinced him that it is dangerous to go. That he will be detained by secret police at the border. I have told him there is no danger. The war is not being fought in Belarus, and as long as he does not make any political statements in public, there is no danger to him. But now he does not want to go.
Should I drop it and go without him or try to change his mind again? It is very important to me that he meets my family, and if he is unwilling to ever travel to Belarus with me then I am unsure the relationship can continue.

TL;DR: His parents have been watching the news too much and now have him refusing to ever visit where I come from

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