My husband (25m) and I (25f) have sex on a pretty regular basis (2-4x a week) and most of the time, we’re pretty in sync. It usually goes one of two ways. Either he’ll finish pretty quickly and I don’t get the opportunity to try to climax myself. This is most often during my time of ovulation when we’re trying to get pregnant.
Other times, he’ll finish shortly after I do and those are the really good sessions.
However, occasionally we have times where I’ll finish (sometimes even twice!) and then I get so dry that he can’t get back in. And while I understand that it’s frustrating, I also know that it’s just a normal down-time and I could get wet again if we tried so that we could continue. But he gets so upset, frustrated and distant that most of the times that this happens, he goes to the bathroom to jerk off.
What I’m struggling with the most is the fact that he sees it as it’s my fault because it my body that’s having the issue of being too dry. This leaves me feeling unwanted, unappreciated, and just downright not sexy. It’s a huge turn off. Even after some of the best orgasms, I end up feeling like shit because he sees it as my fault that he can’t finish inside me and now has to masturbate to finish himself off.
Am I wrong to feel like shit about this? Is there a way to make this better? I hate this feeling and I’m sure my husband does too. So any advice would be helpful. Thanks in advance.

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