I just moved into this filthy disgusting weird smelling room and my landlord is not replying to my messages because he doesn’t “work” on the weekends. I did a viewing when the previous tenant was still living here and it was clearly dirty but I didn’t think he’d keep it in the same condition. The room is literally uninhabitable, he told me the cleaners gave a deep clean to the room which is clearly not true, the floor is full of hair and shit. The stairs and the blinds are filled with dust and some strange matter. He told me he couldn’t paint the walls because the painter “had to go away for two weeks” I told him it was okay but I still demanded it to be painted because they are DISGUSTING (I was aware of their state before I moved in). The wardrobe is falling apart and it has a missing leg. The sofa has a LOT of stains all over it too. He also told me he bought a new mattress, which is true, but he left the old mattress and it’s full of SHIT and really dark and disgusting stains and I don’t even want to touch it to get it out or touch anything from this room at all. I took a video of everything but I don’t know what to do now, because I cannot live here in these conditions and technically it should have been cleaned since the 2nd of may (the day I was supposed to move it but due to some issues I had to delay it)

  1. Ah classic scumlord.

    I’d try Citizens Advice, they might give you some actionable response

  2. This is why you take photos the day you move in. Especially of anything dirty or damaged.

  3. > I don’t know what to do now, because I cannot live here in these conditions and technically it should have been cleaned since the 2nd of may

    Take a load of photos, find somewhere else to stay whilst you find somewhere else to rent and tell him to shove it up his arse.

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