I’ve been with my husband for 9 years. Married for 6. We have two kids together. I’ve hit the 2 year postpartum mark with our youngest. I feel like myself again. But I don’t like my husband at all.

We’ve had issues with communication. He’s a big assumer and avoids conflict at any cost which has created loads of problems along the way. I’m not saying I’m perfect by any means though. If you’ve been through therapy, he’s considered an avoider and I’d be a vasilator.

I’m not attracted to him anymore and I find myself not likening who he is as a person anymore either. The love is lost and feels dead. I don’t know how to get it back.

Things were okay(ish) before we had our first but I feel like everything fell apart after our first was born almost 5 years ago.

Is this normal? A phase perhaps? Or do I listen to my gut and start preparing for a life change? I’m a child of divorce (x2) and I’ve never wanted that for my own kids.

Maybe I’m just it working hard enough to get back in love?

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