M (32) F(36) I dont even know we’re to start I got married about 3 years ago after only 1 year of knowing this person she had 3 kids that weren’t mine she was never really affectionate towards me always doubted me for some reason we decided to end things and I moved into a apartment alone I don’t have friends no one we decided to make things work while she was living at her parents house with her 3 kids everything was great we have had a few arguments here and there we’ve gone on trips together that I mostly paid for this past Sunday she told me she was at her parents house because she was doing laundry. I had this gut feeling and I just had to pass by her parents house her car wasn’t there I asked if I could call she said she couldn’t answer so I said ok I guess she was at a restaraunt with someone a girl or a guy I’m not sure I told her she could of just been honest with me and told me if she was with a friend I would of been ok with that we been doing marriage therapy and for some reason our therapist told me that my wife doesn’t want to do therapy anymore and wants to focus on herself it’s so crazy how I feel abandoned like I never really mattered I’m at a point in my life were I just don’t know what to do I’m lost and hopeless.Im drowning in my own tears. I’m trying but have no support system.

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