can’t make the title too long, but needless to say, i’m a straight autistic male, and socializing and rejection can be pretty tough in my mental health, being scared to screw up. i have low self-esteem, and i don’t feel good about myself most of the time. however that’s for a another subreddit.

i haven’t been ready to date and lose my virginity for the longest while, and now i feel ready. i thought i was ready during high school, but i feel as if i did the business back then, it would’ve been traumatizing for me.

now i’m in my third year of college, and i feel ready to date and do all that funky jazz. i don’t really feel bad or down about not having a girlfriend or being a virgin anymore. mostly, my questions are, how do i deal with rejection in a way that won’t affect my mental health, how to approach someone without being awkward, and how to keep a conversation going.

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