I (27M) am a cook at a restaurant. There is this specific waitress (27F) with whom I always, every day, make a lot of “accidental” eye contact, like far more than normal. Sometimes it feels like she’s eye-fucking me. I’m attracted to her, and I think I want to ask her out maybe, but I’m afraid it might be weird to ask her out for a drink when we’ve barely spoken. Don’t get me wrong; we’re certainly not complete strangers. We *occasionally* will make comments to each other in passing about random bullshit and/or make small talk, but we’ve never actually held a *real* conversation. The issue is, though, that because of how busy the restaurant is, there never is ANY time at all to simply chat idly in any meaningful sense. I just don’t want to come off as creepy if I do ask her out or something. I’d like to get to know her better but I’m not sure how to go about it. So yeah, I’m very much open to suggestions… thanks in advance.

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