Posting from mobile so sorry if formatting is weird!

I (21F) met this guy (20M) back in December and have been talking to him since. We see each other multiple times a week, oftentimes for multiple days in a row. Things have been going really well, and I feel like we might be going somewhere more serious but am unsure about bringing it up.

We’ve had one vague conversation about what we are and the conclusion was that we’re just “talking” but that neither of us “talk” to multiple people at a time, but I’m finding myself wanting more of a commitment but I’m worried he’s not there yet.

His parents know about me which I think is good! But I’m new to dating culture as an adult (last relationship was with a friend from when I was in high school for context) so I’m not sure if it’s too soon to ask for a more exclusive commitment, or if that might scare him off. His last ex was his first everything and they had also been together since high school and things ended pretty poorly, so I’m worried he might not be ready to settle back down into something more serious yet.

I know the only way to know for sure is by asking him, but is it too soon to ask or am I just overthinking things? And if it’s not too soon any ideas on how to approach the conversation? Also happy to clarify/add more context if needed!

Thank you in advance!

TL;DR : Have been seeing guy since December, we’ve been spending a lot of time together and I feel like things are going in a more serious direction but am unsure how/if I even should bring that conversation up.

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