My boyfriend and I got into an argument tonight. For context: my sister is in an abusive relationship, her bf smashed her head into the wall resulting in her needing to go to the hospital to determine if she has a concussion.

My boyfriend saw my sister’s bf for the first time at church last week. My boyfriend said that he seems like a nice guy and went on to call him his ghanian brother because they are both from ghana. My boyfriend has also said that he thinks my sister will be with him forever. My boyfriend also said he isn’t going to judge her boyfriend for what he did because he doesn’t know him. My dad confronted my sisters boyfriend. And my boyfriend said he doesn’t think my dad would actually do anything and would lose in a fight against a young adult.

I told him that his nonchalantness towards what my sisters boyfriend has done and how he has been making light of the situation makes me uncomfortable and is disrespectful. He said that I don’t make sense and I’m blowing this out of proportion and then ended the phone call. He also said if I’m so bothered by this why haven’t I done more. Am I in the wrong?

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