My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost exactly 8 months. For some background, I graduated college and moved to a new city right after, I met my boyfriend 2 weeks into living here through a mutual friend. He is so sweet and nice to not only me but everyone in his life, he has good morals and is someone I could see myself with for life. But the issue is we don’t spend a lot of time together, maybe 1-2 days a week. I work a typical job (off at 4:30) he’s a blue collar worker and gets off at 3, so we both have a lot of time in the evenings. I like to do a short workout and eat dinner but other than that I always have free time during the week, He is very into the gym so he goes for 1-2 hours a night but still has free time afterwards. So basically we both have a nice routine, but there is definitely room and time for each other in it.

At the start we saw each other a lot because it was early days and everything was so new and exciting, but as time has gone on we’ve settled down but I truly love him and have strong feelings for him. But the past few months it’s like pulling teeth to see him more than a day or two a week. We usually hangout Wednesday after work, but only for 3-4 hours. Then one night on the weekends he will spend the night and we do some type of date night out. For him this is no issue and he seems content with it, but for me it just isn’t enough. I tell him I want to see him more but he lists off things he has to do and the fact he goes to bed early, works out, cooks dinner etc. I always let it go because I start to feel needy and don’t want to push him away, but is it wrong to be a little needy? I would love for him to just stop by and hangout for a bit, cook dinner together or go on walks after work, but it never happens. I understand being busy and having things to do(i’m also getting my masters degree online while working full time) but it hurts when it feels like i’m not the priority ever. He will say he misses me throughout the week but never does anything to see me more and he says it’s not practical to see each other more and we do the best we can. And not to compare myself to others, but most couples I know see each other a lot more often and spend more time together. He sometimes will hangout with friends on Sunday nights or week nights when he acts like he wasn’t going to be available to see me, so those situations really hurt.

What it boils down to is my love language is quality time together, without it I am not as happy and pick unnecessary arguments with him. I guess i’m just wondering if anyone has advice on how to change this or what to say? Or am I being dramatic? I know life is busy but I feel like when you love someone you do whatever you can to make them feel special.

TL;DR: My boyfriend doesn’t feel the need to see me more than 1-2 days a week. Why?

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