Hey everyone,

I’m reaching out because I’ve been grappling with some feelings of dissatisfaction in my relationship, specifically around our sexual intimacy. My girlfriend and I have a great connection in many ways, but there’s an aspect of our physical relationship that hasn’t been aligning with my expectations and desires. To be more precise, oral sex is something I miss, and it’s not part of our intimacy.

For context, I brought it up to her 3 months ago and she said she’d never done it before, but was willing to “eventually get to that point”. She later in person, started crying and saying she felt like it was “so intimate” and that she basically thought I’d break up with her if she flat out refused to ever do it.

I want to approach this situation with as much respect and understanding as possible. I love and value my girlfriend deeply, and the last thing I want is to pressure her or make her feel uncomfortable. However, I also feel it’s important for partners to express their needs and desires in a relationship, hoping to find common ground or compromise that respects both parties’ boundaries and comfort levels.

I’m here seeking advice on how to communicate my feelings to her without causing distress or making her feel inadequate. How do I bring up my needs while being supportive and respectful of her boundaries? Are there ways we can explore our intimacy that make us both feel fulfilled and respected?

I appreciate any insights, personal experiences, or advice on navigating this delicate topic. It’s important to me that we both feel happy and satisfied in our relationship, including our sexual compatibility.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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