A friend of mine texted me to catch up after a few months of not seeing each other. She thought I was still in another country.

I took all my courage and wrote a brief message telling her that I had to cancel my time abroad due to depression and get hospitalised for a few months but am doing better now. Then I asked her what happened to her during the last few months.

Now she’s left me on read for some time already. I know that she probably doesn’t want to cause harm and just doesn’t know what to say. I wouldn’t either, so I can really empathize with her. But I don’t need a deep, long, compassionate answer from her or something and I would actually appreciate her just telling me about her life and having a normal conversation.

How can I let her know that it’s okay, that she can talk to me openly and ask me about everything? I just want everything to be normal between us. Or should I just let it rest and let her process it or something?

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