I graduated hs 2 years ago and didn’t go to college. I haven’t talked to or crossed paths with a girl in 2 years. Meanwhile most people my age are going to parties and bars and having sex or at least making out and touching a bunch of girls. Im terrified of going to bars by myself cause im scared to death of being alone in a room full of girls when I’ve never so much of had a flirtatious conversation with one. I have no idea how im ever going to have a good social life or go to parties or enjoy my youth or ever touch or sleep with one cause I get an immense amount of terror when I see a picture of girls and guys at a party and im incredibly awkward whenever my coworkers talk about girls. I think I have a major inferiority complex that I don’t think any attractive girl wouldn’t laugh at me for talking to them but idk. My heart rate skyrockets and I just can’t act normal. How the fuvk is this happening to me as a 20 year old

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