So currently I (21M) am confused on what is happening. Background: I have known this girl (21F) for over half a year now. I meet her at a party and she was going through a tough time. At the time I barely knew her. But she was needing me to stay with her and not telling me to not leave her side. She was holding my hand and arm the whole time. That night she was telling me all her problems and issues. I talked to her that night for hours, I stopped all I was doing to make sure she was alright and making sure she was feeling heard. I never had anyone need me before or someone to talk to as deep of a conversation that it was. The next day I wanted to make sure she was okay and she told me that she was uncertain why she did that, she said she felt safe talking to me and felt listened too.
After that night we started to get to know each other by going out in groups, that way it didn’t feel like a date. Well the last time we did that, she decided to split up from the group and we ended up walking around and talking for about 2 hours before meeting back with the group. After that night, we decided to go out just the two of us, as friends of course. We have gone to multiple places just the two of us.
Everytime it feels like the time goes so fast. The last time we went anywhere, we were gone for 9 hours and there was never a dull moment. Always talking, constant conversation, tons of laughs and stories being told. Probably some of the best memories I have had in a while.
We don’t really text or call each other unless it’s important. She usually texts me on stuff that she is needing help with or when something important happens and she wanted to tell me about it. When we are together we are never on our phones. When we are talking it’s not like she is looking away either it’s eye to eye conversation. Always glancing at each other with a smile or smirk. Well I recently realized that I am falling for her. I can’t can’t say if she is feeling the same way.
Thursday she asked if I wanted to go to a festival with her this weekend. I agreed, but the morning of she cancelled saying she was feeling like she was getting sick again. However I saw on a mutual friends story she was out with a group that night. I’m confused on if I should tell her how I feel or wait longer. I don’t want to lose her as a friend, but I also don’t want to have these feelings just burn inside me. I’m willing to wait for the right time, but what if I wait to long. Any advice on what I should do. Currently I see both sides, I see signs that say I should give it a try; and others that say it would ruin things. I can’t tell if she feels the same way too.

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