What’s the longest you’ve gone without having an orgasm?

  1. About a month. I was trying to see how long I could do it for. After about a week all I was thinking about was sex and I became very pervy. After the 2 week mark I more or less lost all interest in it, until the horniness came back with a fiery vengeance on the 4th week. Seeing as I was bored and had already done a month, I let out the seed demon. It didn’t really do any of the things NoFap cultists say it does, didn’t make me magically more social or have more energy, it just turned me into a sex-obsessed weirdo because of all those bodily chemicals building up. Also my balls hurt. Nowadays I masturbate either every day or every 3-4 days if I’m busy, don’t have the opportunity, or just don’t feel like it.

  2. About half a year (starting from the point where I experienced the first orgasm).

  3. A week or so. Wife loves the stuff and getting gooey, so when she’s out of town traveling or gone for work, I make sure I’m at maximum capacity when she returns because she knows she’s getting ravaged when she gets home and it’s gonna be messy. Hahah

  4. Less than two weeks. At about the one week mark I start getting horny pretty much all the time. Everything becomes sexual, and I start saying things I probably wouldn’t when in a “normal” state of mind. I have trouble falling asleep because my dick keeps me awake. I either take care of business or start having issues dealing with it.

    I’m not into the “no fap” bullshit, but I *was* curious about how long I could go without releasing at all, so I tried it a few times. I do not recommend it at all unless you absolutely can’t do it for some reason beyond your control.

  5. I have some kind of medical condition that doctors failed to diagnose that makes it hurt like a bitch to pee or nut, so the last time I did that was around 12ish years ago. I’ve had lots of sex in the meantime but never finished, I just stop when they’re done. (I’ve been tested any number of times for STDs, infections etc. It’s been this way since I was like 5, so basically my whole life.)

    Imagine tickling your nose with a feather to induce a sneeze. Sneezes feel good to some people right? Well imagine when you sneezes it was like a razorblade covered in rubbing alcohol came out of your nose when you sneezed. That’s what it feels like for me. The pain is so intense I just can’t willingly do it, and I have to sit to pee so I can grab things to brace for the pain of peeing. It hurts so fucking bad.

    The diagnosis? “A sensitive urethra.” Yeah I’m sure. A now grown man being still nearly being put to tears from pain even after more than 2 decades of enduring it every day. I’m almost certain it’s something called urethral diverticulum because I have peed bright red blood on many occasions. It’s not at all uncommon for me to see a few bright red drops in the toilet after I’m done. Every time I’ve peed in a cup they’re always like “we didn’t find blood!” Like okay? It’s fucking there sometimes so diagnose me correctly please. The only reason I can think that they failed to diagnose me with anything is that that condition mostly affects older women, and I was a very young male when I went. Doctors are stupid as hell.

    Nobody asked but this is the only post even remotely relevant to that story I’ve seen yet so here it is.

  6. I had a pain like you’re describing after having my boys clipped at 40. The urologist came up with prostatitis and mild retrograde ejaculation. He suggested a prostate massage and high dose ibuprofen. This actually worked for me. Weird as hell but my wife enjoyed it lol. If it is a pain towards the base of the shaft and it feels like a severe foot cramp in your penis and seems to burn through your urethra then I’d see a urologist and see if it could be. Mine was mild and it was terrible. I can’t imagine having it since 5. Good luck I hope you find some relief soon.

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