Ladies with little or no friends, how do you cope with loneliness?

  1. It takes a conscious effort and then some down time to recover but these few things seem to work for me;
    1. Pets
    2. Trying different workout classes – yoga, pilates, powerlifting
    3. Sports leagues or teams – I love volleyball and tennis
    4. Making plans with the few friends I do have and really investing in those relationships. I’ve found out recently that by being a great friend, you open yourself up to their friends and friends of friends and so on
    5. Getting more and more confident to talk to random people.. having dogs helps with this one


  2. I’m trying to change it so have gone on a reading bender. If you’re interested here’s my list –

    .Read Anne Helen Petersen’s article on Substack called “The Friendship Dip”

    .Platonic, marisa franco

    .The other significant others: reimagining life with friendship at the center, rhaina cohen

    .Bowling alone: the collapse and revival of american community, robert d. putnam

    .The upswing: how america came together a century ago and how we can do it again, robert d. putnam & shaylyn romney garrett

    .Friendtimacy & friendships don’t just happen, shasta nelson

    .The art of gathering how we meet and why it matters, priya parker

    .How we show up: reclaiming family, friendship, and community, mia birdsong

    .Radical friendship, kate johnson

    .We should get together, kat vellos

    .The lonely hunter, aimee lutkin

    .You will find your people, lane moore

    .Friendship, lydia denwort

    .Hanging out, sheila liming

  3. Get a hobby! I joined a painting class last year and by coincidence, our year consisted of 13 ladies of varying ages. I became sort of friends with two of them and get along with all others. Plus I have a fixed weekly date to paint and chat with them. You also meet other people who have been painting longer, can go to and contribute to art exhibitions at the school etc. I think whatever hobby you choose, if you make sure there is some social aspect, you will find what you are looking for!

  4. It honestly doesn’t really bother me anymore. I also have two kids so they keep me pretty occupied.

  5. My parents <3 online friends and falling in love with strangers too quickly lmaooo

  6. I love my own company. I like the PEACE. Also I’m quite close to my family. I see my friends once in 2/3 months but I’m fine with it… I could reach out more often if needed.

  7. Loneliness is a feeling that ebbs and flows.

    But seriously, I do connect with other people, just mostly online.

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