What are some of the worst injuries you have witnessed in person while watching or personally experienced while playing a sport? I ask this question because we have very differentiating sports due to culture and location so maybe this will also reflect on common injuries depending on the sport.

Also, for this question I would like to only include events that you either experienced yourself or witnessed in person (because pulling a video off of the internet that everyone has seen is to easy)

Additionally, I think we should also exclude combat sports (MMA, Jujitsu, etc) because once again maybe that’s too easy and way to expected.

In terms of these events that I’ve witnessed in person while watching/playing sports. The worst injuries usually occurred while watching (American) football, the most memorable ones are from high school. It was a lot of concussions mainly, broken knee caps, but one that stuck with me was a cracked femur. I’d go more into detail but I think I’m running out of room to type.

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