We met them during half time in line for another drink. They bought our drink. Asked for the number. They’re brothers and their business partners were there. Great banter all around. We met after the game, went to a bar with them, met another business partner. Again great banter all around. Previous business partners left.

The brothers are from NYC, we’re all from LA. I’m from SD.

We after that this business partner went home. The 4 of us went to a rooftop bar in the 70th floor, it was closed bc of the rain so the worker recommended a bar across the street which turned out to be a club but it was a great time. We had an amazing make out and dance sesh, it got heated. So sexy. Great banger and laughs the entire time together.

The older brother 32 was with me and the younger 28 was with my friend who’s 26. Older brother kept calling them out kids and we thought they were adorable bc his brother was so lovey dovetail with her and planning trips and wanting to plan stuff with us, and they kissed like they were in hs.

I got goosebumps twice from how the older brother was holding me and kissing me and he felt that and paused and looked at me and smiled in flattery both times. I smiled back, and there was so much sexual tension, as 2 hrs passed we both were tongue kissing and it was really hot and we both realized we liked it rough and basically can Imagjne how insane the sex would be. He’s 6’7 and towers over me so I asked him to spit in my mouth and he did and smiled. We both realized we’re freaks and wild and could not get enough of each other, literally could not stop! We danced and made out the whole time. They invited us back to their hotel and my friend was like let me go walk my dog I feel bad I left him inside for the last 9hrs. So we went to walk her dog, then went back to their hotel. On the way there I explained to her that we shouldn’t have sex with them bc ik their personality type is just like my brothers and being from our culture and religion they’d never date a girl who sleeps with them right away and would lose interest. She said okay.

We got there and they had the suite so it was big and on the 11th floor and had 2 balconies. We each split up as a couple and the brother and I were talking about our exes how long we’ve been single, he said he’s been single for 3 months,
I’ve been single for 2. And she left him to go over seas for her career and I told him I left mine bc we were like oil and water and just not compatible no matter how much we tried we were too different and didn’t see eye to eye. We both agreed we wasted 2yrs of our lives with them, and it felt like we were both ready to move on and both relationship types of ppl.

He said she wanted to continue the relationship long distance but he doesn’t wanna do long distance. I was like oh so long distance is a deal breaker for you? And he was like well ya! Then he realized why I asked bc we’d be king distance too since I’m in CA and he’s in NY. Then he said well not a 13hr flight long distance, I don’t mind the 5hr flight. Which is what we are.

He asked when I graduate law school and where I plan to stay and I told him I’m taking the bar in 2025 in CA. I asked him if he’d be interested in living in CA and he said yk I’ve been thinking about it the past year, I like it here a lot and I don’t have friends here, maybe it will be good to start fresh.

Ik this convo all sounds serious but it was very light hearted actually, he asked for my number and I said I’ll give it to him if he gives me a kiss and he got up from his seat far across from me and leaned in to make out. And bc I have a cough and he has a New Jersey accent and says things so cute and he kept making jokes about me taking halls all night. then he started coughing and he was like there’s no way you gave it to me! I was like are you really upset? And he’s like not if you come give me a kiss. I went and sat on his lap and that’s when we had most our previous talks.

We then went inside and laid in the bed and cuddled and kissed and started sharing hall drops lol back and forth as we kissed. We talked a lot and I’ve never laughed so much. We were so silly it really felt like he was my best friend! Like if I can draw my perfect husband it would be him. And I never seen anyone that looks like him before. He has these eyes that I’ve never seen on anyone, they’re brown but they’re so unique and friendly and warm and loving and sexy and idk how to explain them. All his features were so perfect and I was like why is this guy into me but I played it cool and was confident af the whole time and I think he really liked that. We stayed up till 5:30am just hanging out. He taught me how to give him a hickey and he gave me one on my boob and neck. Neither of us got undressed but we had so much fun teasing. He did a lot and made my body shake like I orgasmed and all he was doing is boob stuff. And we both didn’t want to hook up on the first night and I think that was obvious. Like I dropped a few hints and he picked up on them and respected it. Didn’t pressure at all. We kept laughing and joking around the whole time and sharing halls then my friend started coughing and we laughed so hard bc he was like you gave it to her too!!!! We talked about going to Cancun together and I said the 4 of us and he’s like nah just me and you. I was like but they’re so entertaining and he’s like ya but mom and dad need to leave the kids at home sometimes for some alone time.

My friend and his brother were in the bathroom hooking up but also didn’t have sex. Then cuddled on the couch.

My friend and I left at 5:30am

They got up and walked us out and he kissed me and said to text him. I was like o don’t have your number I gave you mine silly. And he at the same time was like oh ya you gave me yours.

They seemed so enthusiastic about seeing us the next day. The brother wanted to go to Universal Studios and I had suggested hiking to the Hollywood sign to the older brother earlier who was down. But the convos each couple had were separate so we debated but never made the plans.

My friend texted the guy at 11am and told him “had fun last night🤍 it was so nice meeting you guys!” He read it and it at 1:30pm and still hasn’t replied. And my guy didn’t even text me.

Their flight leaves in 30mins from now.

My friend and I went to brunch at noon and we were so confused on why they didn’t reach out, they seemed so interested and happy and excited to see us again??? We ruled out each scenario and talked about possibly why they ghosted but idk. Was hoping to get some outside perspectives? Will they reach out you think?

We don’t think they have gfs bc why would he teach me to give him a hickey on his neck and we don’t think they’d bring us around their business partners who they seem to respect a lot. Idk.

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