So there’s this girl that I like a lot. I’ve known her for 8 years. We lost connection from years 2–5 due to me moving away but we picked back up in 2022. We live about 1000 miles apart. I liked her 8 years ago, and once I saw her again and we had our first night out… I still do now. She’s extremely independent. Only child. Lives with her mother. Travels every month as she loves exploring the world. We saw each other twice in 2022 and twice in 2023. We text constantly. But then we’ll have a week or so where we won’t talk. But the last time we saw each other, I got her Christmas gifts, and took her on our 3rd date, and we finally had our first kiss.
Backstory on me, I’m rich. I make about $15m per year and I’m younger than 30. (Vague, I know lol).
She comes from a humble background where she’s used to doing everything for herself. Recently, she said yes to going on a vacation with me out the country. I spent $40k on it. There, we made out a bunch of times, had the entire resort to ourself, and it was the best time ever. I also surprised her with an CRAZY birthday gift here. She surprised me with a gift herself. (We share birthdays just days a part so our vacation fell in the middle of our birthdays – right after mine and right before hers). Was only there for 3 days. We didn’t have sex (perfectly okay with me. I like her so much, I am in no rush for sex. Literally, I’d wait 2 years for her).
Backstory on her, she’s only had sex with 3 guys in her life. This isn’t her just “telling me” when we all know a lot of girls lie. She was a virgin all through college. Like I was there for it and watched her say no to everybody and stay to herself. Including me. If my friends found out I was with her, they’d freak out because she isolated herself all through college. She’s not a sexual person & doesn’t have much experience. She’s never been in a relationship before. Never had a boyfriend. She’s 5’11 and I’m 6’4.
Long story short, we both get back home from our 12 hour flight (First Class on Emirates) and she sends me a message saying she misses me already and she’s gonna be looking at the ceiling, and thinking about me all night. I wished her goodnight and sent her a long message for her to wake up to. (Romantic beautiful message).
She hasn’t responded yet and it’s been a few days. She’s not on social media much. Meanwhile I’m kinda famous. She said she had the best time ever but I truly don’t know how to gage her. She’ll go 4 straight days of texting me and then a week without it. If it was up to me, we’d text all the time or I’d make her my girl.

Update: (edited) – she just texted me after 3 dsys saying “every day I wake up, thinking it was all a dream…”

So my question is….

* What do you guys think the reason for some of her inconsistencies? Not much relationship experience? Trauma from the past? Not as in to me as I am to her? Scared of a relationship or attachment? Don’t want to seem like a gold digger? Any answer helps.

Because now I’m thinking of responding late whenever she does text me, so she thinks about me since she obviously is not responding to me (mind you, this is a girl who was on her phone a lot during vacation lol but to be fair, only to take pictures and coordinate my birthday surprise)

Any answer helps. I really like this girl. But maybe I’m coming off too strong and I should fall back. I’m not sure. But all I could think about since being back from vacation is her. Literally since we landed 3 days ago.

Thanks in advance!

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