I’m 25, my gf is 24. I love her to the moon and back and I want to spend my life with her. We have the same vision for the future. This is the first serious relationship for both of us. We started dating at the beginning of 2020 after she had a crush on me for years before. Currently, we live in different cities (200 km apart) due to studies. This has been the case for the last 2,5 years. We are planning to move in together in 6 months.

Anyway, we just had a big fight when she came to visit me for the weekend. It started with such a little thing and I tried to make things right so many times, even offering her food 3 times, but she would just tell me she was not interested and lock herself in the bedroom for the whole day. It drained my energy and I got super frustrated because she would not cooperate at all. I told her that I felt like it did not make sense for her to come all the way here just to fight and pout alone and we should make things right. She then proceeded to book a train back home the next morning and told me that she would rather leave then. I feel so hurt by this. A nice weekend after missing her so much was ruined and now I’m left alone and sad just cause she was not interested in making up. I don’t know what to do now. She did not even look at me when she left. Do I wait for her to contact me?

It’s like this most times we argue about something, I feel like she will not meet me halfway at all and the fights only seem to end if I apologize. I know she grew up practically always getting what she wanted, and I’ve tried to tell her that’s not how relationships work and it makes me feel like my wants and needs don’t matter at all. She seems too proud to admit something is “her bad”. Sometimes she realizes she’s been mean to me like a week later and apologizes then.

\*\*TL;DR;\*\* : My gf will not meet me halfway in solving arguments. She stays mad until I apologize, even if I’ve done nothing wrong. Does anyone have experience with these kinds of issues? I’m lost.

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