Me and my boyfriend have been dating for 3 1/2 years. We were out of town for his fraternity formal this weekend. We were both drinking and at the end of the night, both of our phones ended up dying. We had no way to call an Uber and we were in a city we were very unfamiliar with. We decided the only way back to the hotel was to walk. Obviously this was a very stressful situation for us both, and we were both pretty tipsy at this point. He was getting agitated with me and began to grab me because I was walking too slow. I didn’t like how he was treating me so I stopped on the sidewalk and refused to walk any further with him. Obviously he wasn’t going to leave me in this city all alone at 2 in the morning, so he stayed with me and began yelling and cursing at me to follow him. After a few minutes of him asking me to walk with him, he hits me straight on the eye. It knocked me to the ground and i just laid there curled up in a ball for a while. I couldn’t see, that’s how hard he hit me. After I could stand up, I realized I just needed to do what he said so he wouldn’t do that again. The rest of the walk was filled with him yelling and cursing at me and grabbing me super hard. I cried the whole way back to the hotel, and 30 minutes after the hit, my eye began to swell. He had no remorse and blamed me for us having to walk. Fast forward to the next morning, I wake up with a huge black eye, and bruises all down my right arm from him grabbing me so hard. I was expecting that when he woke up, he would feel so bad and beg for my forgiveness. But he didn’t. He just told me that he knew I would use it as ammunition in our arguments for a while. THAT was his biggest concern. Not the fact that he had hit me. It took him until the afternoon to sincerely apologize. He says it’s because he was hungover and didn’t know. Now it is Monday and I still have a black eye. I have pictures of everything. I’m not sure what to do. It’s been 3 1/2 years and he’s never laid a hand on me until now. It could just be a slip up and could never happen again. I love him so much and this is the guy I planned on marrying and having kids with. I just don’t know how to approach this situation, as I’ve never prepared for something like this to happen to me. Any advice? Is it even worth considering filing a police report? I don’t want anything bad to happen to him, and I told him it could stay between us but now I’m not too sure if that’s a good idea.

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