When in university I lived with 5 other people throughout my 3 years. There were 2 women and 4 men including me. We graduated in 2019 and made plans to go on holiday to celebrate the following year which did not go ahead for obvious reasons.

We’ve kept in touch and one of them mentioned possible going away this year. They had been looking at hotels and airbnbs for where we were originally planning to go and showed us the prices. We picked an airbnb that we liked the look of and said we’d look into it.

I’ve been with my girlfriend just under 3 years. I mentioned this to my girlfriend and she asked if she was invited. I said no since it was just the 6 of us going and no one is bringing their partners.

I said that it is just going to be a good chance for us to catch up sicne we haven’t all met up since graduation. I reassured my gf that we’d still be going away this year and that this holiday would not impact that. She said she doesn’t think I should be going away without her and that it’s weird for me to go on holiday with other women.

I pointed out they were old friends and that this is a holiday we had planned years ago. She just repeated that she thinks either she should be going or I should cancel. I refused this and told her it’s normal for people to go away without thier partner when you’re in a relationship but she said I was being unreasonable and disrespectful. Does anyone have any advice on how to handle this?

tl;dr my girlfriend got annoyed that I was planning to go on holiday with a mixed gender group of friends and that she wasn’t invigted. She said I should wither cancel or invite her but I refused and she called me disrespectful.

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