
I injured my hand. I’ll help you all learn English or if you speak English I’m just looking for friends. Wanna pass the time. American in Eu. Offering English and friendship. Nothing needed in exchange.

My name is Dan. Im 24. I recently injured my hand. I need surgery. I was already anti social before hand get it. Pun I need hand surgery. Im looking for online friends.

I used to be avid mixed marital artist before my injury. That was the foundation of my social life.

My interests are finance, geopolitics, history, science, news. I used to be a proprietary trader and would be happy to talk teach finance. But also like tv shows and movies. I’m binge watching House. Im really into music I have a headphones collection.

Im an American but I lived in the Us, Europe and Middle East. Be happly to help people pratice English. I like talking to people from all over helps me learn you things.

Currently in European Area as I mentioned.

I’ll be happy to talk about anything.

Dm me or leave a comment.


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