tl;dr : My boyfriend (21M) and I (19F) are having constant disagreements where he never apologises and insults me

My boyfriend (21M) and I (19F) are having constant disagreements, what do I do??

Hi everyone. So as the post title says, my boyfriend and I have been having constant disagreements and sometimes even arguments over even the smallest things. Some context is that he is 21 and I am 19, and we have been dating since end of November 2023. It started as long distance however I have since moved and we live 30 mins away from eachother right now.

Onto the issue. So for most of our relationship it is fine. He treats me very well, like a gentleman, buying me things, opening doors, etc. We mostly are always laughing and having fun when we’re together. However, I have noticed that when we are not together, which is during the week mostly, we are having constant disagreements and arguments.

Now normally this wouldn’t bother me if it was over important things, however it is over the smallest things. He’ll do something that I have voiced annoys me on the past, like he will leave me on delivered for over an hour without giving any notice that he is doing something, and when I ask him not to do it he gets annoyed or mad at me for being annoyed in the first place. He also constantly acts like I shouldn’t be getting annoyed at him for the things that he’s doing. He constantly says I am “sooking” and he calls me a “soft c*ck”.

We did have two very different upbringings, however I had a much worse one than he did and went through a lot more at a younger age than he did so I guess I do see things and take things differently, but it just seems like he needs to defend everything he does that I don’t like or appreciate. He also never apologises for anything unless I ask him to at the end of an argument.

I just am asking for advice on what do to. Is this relationship doomed? I love him a lot and we normally are fine it’s just when we do have an argument it can get really bad.

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