Some starting points – personally (F,25yo) I have little to none social interactions with peers (none in the past 8-10 months), it’s just a fact. Additionally for a very long time news has been a massive trigger for negative emotions (ranging from anger to hopelessness). Particularly this “massive gut reaction” to certain news has lead me to further reasoning – what is it behind it? Surely there are many bad news, anything else?

First question to be answered: why I feel like I need to watch news or otherwise stay informed? For me one big reason is that “without it” I’m literally cut off the rest of world. Again literally (also i live in a small city and again no solid social life)

The other mechanism I see is: I want to form my idea and then see what other has said or written or thought. Than I do a “comparison” to see how much I’m close to or off from “general person perception” – I literally evaluate how much aware I’m or how much I can get a X topic.

I wonder now if this ultimately has a way to “connect” socially with others, even if it’s unusual way!?
To me this has been an important step to understand something more, even if I still have no idea why it became to be this way.

This social comparison is present (and someone would say maybe poor self esteem) and it’s probably one of the reasons why I react badly to news. I do give news a “different meaning” than most people, a mix between wanting to fit in and fear to not cope with things other can cope with.

Any insights, similar experiences, suggestion would be greatly appreciated

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