My boyfriend of three months has been texting another girl since December and I had no knowledge about it. He’s currently doing an internship in another state that a previous hook-up had done the semester before. Right before he left for the internship he started texting the hu. He did not tell me about this. It started off very light but quickly became flirty and playful, with her joking ab their past.

They went on for about three months until today my boyfriend told me he was going to reach out to an old hook up to ask about a post grad opportunity. I asked who it was and he said it was nothing and he was willing to show texts to prove that there was nothing going on. I said show them to me because I felt he was not saying the whole truth.
He starts showing them to me and I quickly realize this convo has been

going on for a while. He stops sharing his screen and I ask him to continue. He says “would you like to show me yours then?” to try to get me to stop pushing. I persist and he shows them to me again and I realize its a lot worse than he had mentioned. He only said he had a gf once throught the entire convo to which she quickly laughed off and continued flirting.

My boyfriend tried to defend himself by saying this was for his career and she was being very helpful. I just don’t understand why he couldnt tell me he was in contact with her earlier. And why he lied about not having talked to her before.

He has done this before with other previous hook ups he keeps in contact with because they are beneficial to him career wise. He avoids telling me the full truth until I keep pushing and I find out. I dont know if its worth saving the relationship after this or if I should end things while its still early.

TLDR; My boyfriend has been texting another girl in a flirty manner and hid it from me.

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