What’s a weird thing you’re pretty sure only you do?

  1. Play vivid scenes in my head to fall asleep. Specifically to fall asleep. It is like I’m watching a play that I’m creating in my mind.

  2. when I walk past people in public I have to hold my breath… lol. im sure there’s times I don’t but in general I always do. something about smelling peoples smells grosses me out idk I’m weird!!!

  3. When my coworkers enter my office, I internally sing or hum their entrance song. It changes on how their moods are for the day…. 😅

  4. I listen to music everywhere I go like I’m in a movie and this is the soundtrack of my life

  5. I thought I had an answer for this but recently saw a couple people talking about it some comments but here it is.

    I count words, letters, and syllables. I repeat sentences I hear or read over and over in my head. Then tap each syllable on a different finger in a pattern. I change it up depending what pattern I want to end up with. I’ll repeat the sentence and spell some words and not others. I HAVE to complete the pattern or I can’t think. I can not stop in the middle of it. The way I complete a pattern is to have the last syllable or letter land on each of the fingers I’m using in order. Depending on even or odd syllables I’ll use 3 , 4. Or sometimes 5 fingers.

    I also am constantly moving the tip of my tongue in patterns on the back of my front teeth. Top and bottom. Sometimes while repeating a sentence. I can not not do it.

    Both of these things are CONSTANT.

  6. I categorise people’s personalities in colours and if someone asks me to describe them, I kind of translate that back into words or need to focus quite hard on remembering their actions to do do. Otherwise I would just say, “Oh, she is very yellow, duckling yellow.” As a kid I did within my family and I just assumed people know what I mean. Often they do, even if they don’t think this way.

  7. Coffee shop crawls. Basically I go for an extremely long walks around the city and get coffee from 2-3 different shops along the way. Caffeine doesn’t really do anything for me, I just love the taste. Also there’s something about drinking it outside while looking at some cool architecture.

  8. I read everyone’s license plates. I then add up all the numbers together until I can’t anymore (example, if the license plate had the numbers 121589, I would add 1+2+1+5+8+9 to equal 26. Then I would add 2+6=8)

    Another thing I do is take the strangest sounding word from a sentence someone says to me in conversation and repeat that word a bajillion times in my head while air writing it with the pad of my finger (the movements are imperceptible, no one could tell what I was doing). And I just trace that word over and over and over while repeating it in my brain. 🙄 Beef jerky. Jer-key. Jerrrr keeeeeee. Jerky. Jerk-y. Juuuuuurky. It annoys me so much.

    I rip the skin from my cuticles until I bleed because I like the pain of it. I also used to let my lips get chapped AF so I could pull the skin off and then I would press my fingers onto the raw skin to enhance the pain, I also used get a crack in my bottom lip every winter that I dug my thumbnail into (also for the pain- but I don’t do either of those things to my lips now that I’m in a relationship haha. My cuticles, however, are RAGGED.)

  9. I suddenly become very aware of whether I can hear my back teeth come together. I then have to do it (both sides) until I can hear it / feel it which makes it awkward somewhere public or loud. Everyone close to me has noticed it.

  10. I don’t do this anymore but when I was a kid/teenager I used to eat pancake mix as mix and not make a pancake out of it. Also used to eat hot coco mix, only the mix.

  11. Sheesh. Ok. Here we go. My body shape doesn’t play well with any style of underwear. So I buy full briefs and I wear them backward. It’s comfier on my stomach since I have stomach issues. And they actually feel like they fit.

  12. Up into my teen years I was obsessed with salt. I would suck the burnt ends off of matches, eat salt rock off the sidewalks and even licked our ponies salt lick.

    I never salted my food though, still dont.

  13. Oh boy…

    I “write” Wikipedia articles about myself in my head as if I’m famous. My hobbies include stand-up comedy and cooking, and I will sometimes make up this whole article about myself as if I’m a celebrity chef or famous comedian.

    I know it’s weird and I sound unhinged. I cannot deny this. But when I get into bed, doing this helps me fall asleep. I don’t know why. I’m not proud of it.

  14. Sleep with the bathroom light on because I haven’t gotten over the fear of the dark. My husband thinks it cute, but for being in my mid 30’s I’m embarrassed. 🤣

  15. I have not met another human that likes to put peanut butter on a toasted onion bagel

  16. I’m sure some people do this but I lift my feet up every single time i drive over railroad tracks. i heard once when i was 10 that it was good luck to do it so i’ve done it ever since, even when im the one driving lol.

  17. Talk to an imaginary person in my room so I feel like I’m coming home to someone 🙂

  18. I sleep with the blanket covering my mouth/under my nose if I am stuffy because I hate the feeling of warm air on my face

  19. I know other people do this, but I still feel alone in it lol – on my way home from work I pretend I’m vlogging/on live and just talk about my day to my fake fans lmao

  20. I have an unfortunate knack for zigzag thought processes in conversation that confuses people but I’m unaware I’m doing it until they mention their surprise. It’s always been people who I’m close to, luckily, and they’re affectionate when they tell me. In my 20s, a boyfriend at the time who was a doctor described it as Knight’s-moves thinking, and mentioned people with schizophrenia do this.

  21. I consider what animal a person most closely resembles and then often think about what they would like as the animal 😆

  22. I have to touch a button whenever I hear an ambulance. My grandparents were quite superstitious and there’s lots of quirks in our family, but that’s one I cannot let go of.

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