What’s the best way to look forward to/plan for the future, when I’m suffering in the present?

  1. You’ve posted an incredibly vague question, so here’s an equally vague answer; sacrifice more now, so that your future may be better.

    Instead of eating out, cook yourself a meal, and set aside the $10 you save by doing so.

    Give up soda and switch to water, for the future health of your body.

    End a toxic relationship, whether romantic, familial, or with a friend, so that you may find your true center and become the person you wish.

    Good luck to you.

  2. Remember that life is ever changing and nothing either good or bad lasts forever. As long as you keep moving forward, trying, then your current set of circumstances will change and are not forever.

  3. To answer the first half of your question, ask yourself where you want to be in 5 years, then make a 5 year plan. Work backwards from the goal – what steps do you need to take to get you there? You’ll see that even though you’re in a bad time now, you can start doing things now to alter your trajectory and put you in a much better place much sooner. You’re going to be ok.

  4. When you have a problem that is bothering you TODAY, ask yourself, “How will I look at this problem 5 years from now? Is it going to affect me for the next 5 years? Or is this a problem that I am focusing on for no reason and will not even remember in 5 years?”

    If you are pondering a problem that you feel will STILL be a problem in 5 years, then it deserves the worry or pain you are focusing on it. If it is NOT going to be a problem that you will even remember in 5 years, you need to learn to let that shit go.

    Focus on the big rocks. Let the grains of sand sift thru your fingers…

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