We have all heard the stories where someone says that a man looks dangerous or that they get a bad vibe from them. Stories of people crossing the street, so they don’t have to walk past them.

This is my issue. I take my son to the public park at least once a week because he loves it there. Over the last 2 years of this I have only ever seen 2 other dads there. All of the other regular visitors are women with their kids.

I have had the police called on me 5 times just for being there. I was described as dangerous looking and was making everyone uncomfortable. I am not built, I don’t go to the gym, I wear jeans and colorful graphic tees, no visible tattoos, and I dont look like I have ever been in a fight. On all 5 occasions I was told by the police that legally I have done nothing wrong and they cant force me to leave but they suggested I leave for the greater good.

I am worried what this will do to my son’s view of society as he gets older and I don’t know what to do.

Any advice?

Edit, after reading a few comments I should clarify I am in the US. My son is 4 and doesn’t really understand much yet. Moving is not an option and there is no other parks nearby. We wear matching shoes, black and red checkerboard vans.

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