hello! 18m here dating 20m. I’ve known him and we’ve been friends for many years now, recently we started dating. We had issues due to personal matters a few days ago which left me feeling very hurt and the only reason I did not break up with him was because my family, who like him lots, begged me to give him another chance. Although ever since, I’ve been very wary of his behaviour and keep noticing little things but i’m not sure if it’s me overthinking. I have a traumatic past, and i’ve recently noticed him making little jokes that leave me feeling distressed, or he finds it funny to scare or upset me knowingly. Most times we’re by ourselves, he tries to make a move sexually. Often times he sexualizes things about me that shouldn’t be. I feel like there’s a side of him i’m not seeing yet and it’s worrying me. I’ve seen plenty of other little things i’m not sure how to even explain. I keep getting a bad gut feeling most times i’m around him or thinking of having to go out with him somewhere to where i feel fear. He recently made a joke about hurting a woman which made me internally throw up. On the other hand though, I feel guilty for that too, because he’s a kind person. He does far beyond the bare minimum and my family adores him. But I feel myself pushing back, and I feel like an asshole for it. I’ve been in terrible relationships in the past and run at the sight of any red flags, but he’s done so much for me I feel like I must stay & i’m just being overly sensitive. any advice is seriously appreciated:) , I feel ill thinking about all this

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