This is a long and complicated story so here are the spark notes…

I’ve been talking to this guy for 3 months. When we first started talking he said he wanted things to be casual. I did too because I was recently single. After the 2nd month of us talking, I asked again what he felt and he said he really enjoyed spending time with me and wanted to continue but still to keep things casual. Over these past 3 months I have really started to fall for him and for the most part I think he is the same way. We have recently been spending more and more time together, and text back and forth about our days all day. We are basically in a non-exclusive almost relationship but not kinda thing. Since we are not exclusive I hooked up with a guy (m21) that I knew him and I were both snapping with (messy right????). Well, the plot thickens… my situationship saw we were hanging out and got jealous asking me what him and I were. To that I responded with “I thought we were casual? He’s just a hookup” And he was like “yeah, im not upset just curious”. After that we spent a 4 days together with only two days of not seeing each other in between. When we were together, we talked about the situation and everything is cool…but he expressed that he was jealous and he has really strong feelings for me. After that, he would call himself “your man”, call me baby or babe, and do romantic gestures for me. During the 4 days with him I realized that I really wanted him as my partner. I expressed to him that I really liked him and I am ready to start a relationship if he was ready too. Especially since recently it has become more like a relationship from both him and I’s side of things. He simply liked my message and didn’t respond…but we have hung out since that happened. When we did hangout everything was better than normal. He was kissing me more, being more flirty, and overall treating me more like his boyfriend.

Should I just go for it and ask him out? Should I keep this casual thing going? I’m so lost and don’t really know what to do.

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