Today I was out and I spotted a girl wearing a cool shirt. I told her so and I’m proud of myself! She smiled and thanked me and now I’m thinking whether I should do it more often.

It’s so easy between girls and women (I’m a teen girl), but I want to knowwhether it would be appropriate for me to compliment men? Or even boys at my school. Or should I not attempt to? At school I already smile if there’s any accidental eye contact, regardless of gender, would any more make it weird?

I don’t want it to accidentally come across as romantic or sexual. I’m aroace and I don’t get the nuance in this stuff. For example, I say good morning to the grocery store cashier whenever I go there, would it be too much to say “Nice shirt”, when he’s probably a lot older than me? What about people in the city buses or the tube?

I did a horrible job of asking my questions, but this is the gist- How to compliment men my age and men older than me and when I should attempt it, if at all.

Social situations are such freaking minefields

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