After years of being AWOL from the internet, I thought I’d try to reconnect with people through social media including Insta. A good precursor to real life interactions? However, it didn’t work out too well and made me feel even more lonely than I already am.

After following a bunch of people, I realized that I really don’t even know 100 people. 27 years old and I hardly know anyone on a personal level. So I tried adding near strangers, but that was no good; only about 1/10 people would allow me to follow them. Understandable. People like their privacy.

The most frustrating incident was when I added a person who had their profile open (meaning anyone could join). Then I few hours later, I realized they kicked me out of their followers list, but still left their page open for others to join.
Cool. thanks for that.

I think that will conclude my instagram journey for now…
something about my online presence must be very repulsive lol. My advice would be to try and find connections anywhere other than that app. Good luck out there, you guys.

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