My 18f gf made a comment about how I 18m was delusional and wrong about her clearly romantically interested friend. How do i confront her?

My girlfriend just revealed something very hurtful, how do i confront her about this
So a while ago (4ish months) my girlfriend (18f) of nearly two years had this friend. This friend was a guy who made very obvious signs that he liked her and wanted more out of their friendship. I (18m) know this person aswell as all of my friends know him as someone to avoid. Not only is he just a very unpleasent person but he also oversteps boundaires with other guy’s girlfriends in the past.

So anyways, this guy eventually went as far as to post a picture to his instagram of them very close together at a party, i did not go to. I got upset at this and pretty much just told her to unadd him and his friends (who are very similar in demenor) she hesitated but eventually “agreed” a month or two after that i was in her room alone and her phone dinged by her mom, she asked me to read the text which was unimportant, the important bit was that it was already open and there i saw very clearly that guy’s name open as still added on her snapchat. Without saying a word i left her house and after she came home from attending an event with her friend i confronted her. It was particularly hurtful due to her demanding i unadd my friend who was a girl, however i complied whilst she was entirely okay with lying for so long to me.

Back to the confrontation, after she swore it would never happen again and how very sorry she was i eventually moved past it with a lot of work on my end.

Important note is that we work together**

Cut to two days ago when she outright said i was delusional and that he was just a good friend of hers who i mis-read his intention” the context of which was that he came in recently and i said i did not like him and my coworkers asked why.

She dismissed outright my feelings on a private matter to three other coworkers who had no idea that this whole scenario transpired. She laughed at it, and so did my coworkers. It made me feel sick so i went to the bathroom just in case. I confronted her after our shift and she groaned at me saying “this is why youve been acting like this today???”

This comment was very hurtful, and im not going to delve into our history with hurtful comments and actions but it definitely adds to the list as a top contendor.

I dont think she truly understood the severity of how emotionally distraught her and him hanging out really made me. So in turn my question is; should i ask her if she regrets unadding him? Or something along those lines? Ive been thinking it over all day bit i need some help deciding or choosing what i say to her.

Tl;dr – gf unadds friend that wanted to make moves on her as per my request, but after a while since then; she tells me and my coworkers that i was just delisional and sensitive.

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