My love life has been a little complicated but here is a recent overview. I dated a girl, who from now on shall me called M, for around 4 months. We both fell in love fast, she was perfect. I’d never met someone who shared such a similar personality. We were basically the same people. We broke up four months ago. My girl bestfriend, who we will call L, of a year kissed me one night. I used to have feelings for her before I found M. when L kissed me all my feelings came running back. I felt so much guilt and pressure that I had to break up with M. I started dating L. Truly one of the worst things I’ve ever done. But fuck me. L is great, I love her. In every way I could see myself marrying her. Yet, we have nothing in common. NOTHING. Plus she doesn’t even pretend to care about my interests despite the fact I always make an effort to care about hers. I’ve brought this up but no change, it’s hurting me dearly. I’ve realised that M is my perfect match but I’ve fucked it, i crafted a messages to send to her but I’m too afraid to send it. L has bought me so many gifts (it’s my birthday VERY soon as well and I know she bought so many expensive gifts), I’m intertwined with her family and possibly going to uni with her. Breaking up with her will ruin my life, all our mutual friends will probably take her side and I adore my friends, without them I don’t know how I can live. Another key thing about M, we haven’t met. I fell in love solely for her personality. L and I have frequent sex and do couple things which is nice I guess. The question, do I wanna risk everything when I’m already somewhat happy for someone who is possibly my soulmate?

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