Women of reddit who have go from Long hair to short hair. How did you feel once the haircut was done?

  1. I had my hair cut short years ago and didn’t like it. Much prefer my waist length hair.

  2. I love short hair, I go back and forth cutting it and letting it grow out to different lengths. I definitely prefer above the shoulders, currently in a pixie

    Edited to add: wow! Thanks y’all! This is the most upvotes I’ve ever had 😊 love to the short haired people!

  3. Regret. So so much regret. I remember going through a clip and headband phase to try and look more like a girl. I didn’t know how to style it and I don’t wear makeup. Grow out is such a pain. Yoy go from pixie to little mullet before it grew into a good style

  4. So much lighter. I also didn’t have to worry about getting strangled by my hair again, which was a relief.

  5. So refreshed. It was so much easier to get volume in my hair (sometime I struggled with forever when my hair was long) and I just overall look better with should length hair. I kept it super long for way too long.

  6. So great that I’ve kept it short ever since. No need to style it and it compliments my face. I oddly feel that it makes me more attractive even though most men prefer long hair. Only minus is that my hair is growing extremely fast and I have to cut it very often

  7. I don’t really feel any particular way. My head felt a lot lighter, and I had to completely relearn how to do my hair. Washing it was SO mich quicker and easier. I missed my ponytails, though

  8. You will safe a lot of time in the bathroom, but i would recommend to cut it in smaller steps. It could be very suprising and it looked very different than i expected.

  9. I recently had more than half of my hair lobbed off because it was so fried due to me continuously dying it blonde (natural hair is brunette). Afterwards, my hair felt so much lighter and healthier, not to mention lower maintenance. I love my shorter hair!

  10. I had super long hair in 2019 and then both my boyfriend at that time and one of my family members did something extremely hurtful to me, and I randomly cut my braid off with kitchen scissors as a way of taking some power back or something (I was 19 lol) My moms a hairdresser so she fixed it up to a nice sloppy bob. I felt super powerful with the new hair! Very confident and just.. closer to myself. To lose all that long hair idk. I loved it! Sorry for the dramatic story hahaha (now reading the comments, dont worry, it wasnt something “that” bad they did !! Guess I worded it that way)

  11. The head felt so much lighter, I didn’t realize how much the weight was affecting my neck.

    The only reason I grew it out was because frequent haircuts to keep it looking nice got so expensive, but now with waist length hair I spend so much more on hair products that it probably costs about the same in the grand scheme of things.

  12. More confident and free. It was a gradual process all throughout undergrad. I started with waist-length hair and cut it shorter each time. In my final year, I got a pixie and immediately felt more “grown up”. I’ve worn my hair short ever since.

  13. I realized that my hair is much more important to me than I wish it was. It felt nice and light, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t cry

  14. I found it more high maintenance with short hair. Long you can stick in a bun on cba days but not short

  15. At first it felt awesome, but after a week I felt sad and really missed my long hair. I am still growing it out after a year, I never want to not have long hair again.

  16. I felt instant regret. Short hair isn’t for everyone. It was also surprisingly harder to style well.

  17. I had long thick hair down to underneath my boobs. And I decided to get a buzz cut. Always wanted too. It was glorious! Freaky but of so glorious!

    My hair is so thick that nothing had touched my scalp directly since I was a baby. First time going outside and having the wind blow on my scalp was like:”wtf is that!!!!! Ahhh, again! What’s happening!!???!?!?!? …. Oh… it’s wind…”

    My neck felt so relaxed. Especially after showering or swimming. Didn’t realize how heavy it actually was.

    And it was so freeing. Taking care of long curly hair is a lot of work and take a lot of time. A 3 millimeters buzz cut requires absolutely no work. I wake up and it’s done, I come out of the shower and it’s done, I walk around in string wind and it’s fine, it’s all done and I never had to do anything. The only care it required was to have my husband trimming it every now and then.

    I will have had it long for 4 years again this summer and it’s going as soon as it gets warmer.

    The feeling of your head not boiling in the summer heat is priceless.

  18. I have fine, thin hair so I look terrible with super long hair. I randomly got a pixie years ago and I looked so much cuter and my hair looked thick! Right now my hair is a mid-neck lob and I like it. Only thing I disliked about the pixie is the mullet phase. But yes, cutting my hair super short felt freeing.

  19. I had butt length hair and got it chopped off and dyed. I hated it! However, I was forced to have a bowl cut growing up, so I have hair PTSD

  20. Long hair is more work to wash and style. Short hair is more upkeep with cuts and color. Both expensive for diff reasons. Good and bad both ways

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