So I’m 23M and started seeing this guy 21M. He lives about 40 miles away from me, so driving up to see him (he can’t come to my city, as it’s a small town and it would raise questions that I’m not ready to deal with, and we are still a situationship) costs me about 150 bucks between toll and gas alone (not dollars but take into account the amount of money, 150 bucks in my currency is a lot and in dollars is a lot too), plus, his city is a lot bigger and has a lot of things to do. Anyways, I didn’t grow up poor or anything, I consider myself middle-class, but this dude has his own apartment, own electric car, plus MANY stores at multiple shopping malls.

We are still getting to know each other but I think it’s headed towards a relationship. First time we met I stayed at his apartment for the weekend, and we went out, he paid for the movie + snacks even tho I offered to pay for it, and then we went out for some all you can eat Japanese food, which we split.

Then next weekend we went out for a nice restaurant for which he had gift cards but it wouldn’t cover the entire bill so I paid for the rest of it, then we went out to get ice cream and I still offered to pay but he didn’t let me.

For the following week I said I couldn’t come to him as it was the end of the month and I was running low on money, so he offered to come to a city close to mine that has a restaurant that we both love.

Anyways, my point is, I can’t keep this up every weekend, but I guess me not having as much money doesn’t bother him? As he still made a way for us to see each other… I’m scared he’ll see me as a gold digger or something or that I’m less of a person because I don’t make as much money as him. He never made me feel bad for not being as rich, idk if it’s because I’m really attractive or something, or he’s just a nice person.

My strategy is A) pay for what I can to show that I’m putting in effort, B) just go somewhere cheaper and split the bill, C) let him foot the bill when I can’t

Anyone who is really rich and dated someone with less money/someone with less money who dated someone rich has any insight?

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