My wife is 35f. Shes always told me that she felt uncomfortable with me having Instagram because I had many female followers. Most of them were my friends before we even got together. She has a business that she promotes on Instagram. Shes uncomfortable with me being on instragram, so out of respect to her I deleted it. Since I deleted mine I thought it was fair for her to delete hers but she says she needs hers to promote her business. So I said ok no problem it’s a business page. She said she would only follow other businesses and treat it like a business account to be fair to me. So yesterday I went on her Instagram to see her following a few men on there and there personal pages. I don’t know if I’m overreacting but something doesn’t sit right with me.

  1. I don’t care.

    There has to be enough trust between and on your own security in the relationship that it shouldn’t matter.

    Like they say: if you truly love someone, set them free. If they are meant for you they will.come back.

  2. I literally couldn’t give any shits about my husbands social media

  3. Male here. Wife has no problem with them on the feed but if I like one of their photos I’m gonna hear about it on the morning lmao. She has no problem with me watching porn but insta hoes bother her for some reason go figure

  4. I don’t use it. My wife does like to immerse herself in watching junk on tiktok and uses Instagram. I have no care and no desire to get involved with it at all. For me, I’d rather go and learn something new than care about what she may or may not be doing.

  5. My wife has been consumed about who I follow or follows me. Complete strangers in other parts of the country and world. No one I’ll ever know or meet in life.

    Yet she’s sexted with complete strangers in other countries, shown them all of herself, stuff she’s never done with me after 24+ years together. They’ve tried to extort her for money over it. They’ve reached out to me to try and extort her for money.

    I told them to go right ahead and blast it all over the Internet, tag her friends and family and she can deal with the fallout. Unfortunately they’ve never followed up. Too bad.

    But she still has issues with me following hot chicks and liking their posts. The double standard is real.

  6. Define other men. Eye candy? Promiscuous tendencies? Fcuk that off like the plague. If it’s informative/educational I don’t care. Everything else, be healthy. Taking an interest in other things is ok, when it lends itself to facilitating temptation, she’s gone like a fart on the wind. I don’t need future drama.

  7. There’s a difference between following people and engaging with them. Provided neither of you are liking photos you should or talking with people that might compromise your relationship I have no issue with my husband following whoever he pleases. I only follow people I know, both male and female, so again, not an issue. Oh and celebraties

  8. I would open an Instagram account again and reconnect with a few female friends.

  9. Only thing I care about is that she sends me those comments for competitions . That way I can enter as well.

  10. Tbh I find social media to be far different from IRL. Unless there are messages proving her to be cheating on me, or she’s posting nude photos for attention, i don’t really care.

    Plus, my wife is bisexual. Can’t exactly tell her to stop following *everyone*, now can I?

  11. Double standard. Use her on words against her. Personally, depending on what kind of pictures she is posting and if she is communicating and hiding the communication would determine how I would feel about it. But if I was in your shoes, she would either delete the account and open up access to all other accounts or I would make an appointment with a lawyer to find out my options and seriously think about divorce. But i have zero patience for nonsense like that

  12. My wife and I have both male and female friends. We do everything with our opposite sex friends that we do with our same sex friends.

    We couldn’t imagine either of us telling the other to limit who they can be friends with. Especially something as ridiculous as social media.

  13. Instagram drives our family business. If my wife wasn’t posting on IG all day long, we wouldn’t be able to pay the bills and employee numerous other people.

    Instagram is a huge business market.

    Just because a small segment of IG is people barley dressed that doesn’t take away from it being a significant business center.

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