Hi all,

So for a bit of context we are together 8 years have two kids together. We are happy together and show affection on the daily.

For years we have had issues in the bedroom, she is comfortable with sex every 3/4 weeks but I have a much higher sex drive. I would like it 1/2 times a week.

We have often sat down and spoke about it and fair play she does try for a while before we are back to the norm.

After a few conversations we said we would try and open our relationship to a couple or female (she is bi) but nothing ever came of it as she “can’t find anyone she is attracted to”

She is a larger girl and does suffer from arthritis so I do understand from her point it might be sore or can be difficult. I have tried lots of things to calm myself down but its just not working anymore!!

I sometimes feel like I’m in a sexless relationship but Im not if you get me. I have tried talking to her before about me just finding a FB but she gets very defensive when I speak about it which I get so I drop the topic.

I’m at a stage now where I feel like I want to cheat in order to feel satisfied but I don’t want to hurt my partner and I feel if I bring this up again I could. Any advise?


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