What is a definitive sign that a man is Wise?

  1. If he manages to avoid most problems and solve the ones he cannot avoid, he is wise.

  2. He has a good credit score, he has a career path that he’s maintained over a few years, he has assets generating income for him rather than just working for 100% of his income. Beeson show restraint, judgment, and being goal-driven which I think combined to be a good start on wisdom

  3. A wise man pretends to know nothing. Only after reaching true wisdom does he know he was never pretending.

  4. Knows when to shut up. As too many people keep digging their own hole, or plants the seeds for their future destruction with their mouth.

  5. Knowing that, while a tomato is a fruit, it doesn’t belong in a fruit salad.

  6. they’re able to articulate with some level of clarity and they can tailor that information to their audience.

    if you have the skills set to communicate and speak, it really demonstrates your thought process your knowledge base and you’re ability to plan. Just speaking alone really demonstrates your intellect and information you’ve gathered throughout your lifetime.

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