I’m currently in my 2nd year of college and moved into an upper classmen dorm where there’s a lot of new faces that I mainly get to see only when I bump into in the elevator. I know this may sound dumb but I get really nervous at times especially with guys, and yesterday I had a really good opportunity to talk to this guy 1:1 but I froze and there was no conversation until he told me to have a good rest of my day on his way out onto his floor.

My social anxiety has gotten better, I’ve done a lot of exposure therapy in the past two years, but when it comes to elevators for some reason I freeze, so I wanna get better at that bc I don’t want to miss any opportunities in the future to meet new ppl. And who knows maybe I’d come in handy with the right people.

So what I’m asking is what types of conversations starters do you guys use or recommend especially in settings where you’ve never talked to a specific individual in small spaces like elevators?

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