I want to leave my partner, but don’t want to destroy them beyond repair.

My current partner loves me more then anything. I just don’t love them back nearly as much as they love me. I started the relationship 2 years ago and after some hesitation if I liked them. Don’t get me wrong they are great, everything I could ever ask for and more. I just don’t feel particularly strong about them. I would have left awhile ago but they always talk about how life is meaningless without me, and how they would die without me.

I want to leave but idk if it’s worth it. They are a great person and would be destroyed if I left. They are a great partner so, should I just stay with them anyways?

I’m also not particularly good at TL:DR’S so if mine is insufficient I’d love advice on how to fix it.
Also sorry if this is considered a moral issue.

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