Met a girl on tinder 2 months ago, she lives in a separate town but we both hit it off quickly. She talked to me every day until our first date 3 weeks in. On our 2nd date 1 week later, we spent the whole weekend together and she spent the night both nights. Made it to 3rd base, but never fully escalated to sex because she said she it was too soon, and she didn’t want me to ghost her afterwards. But she was very lovey dovey the whole weekend.

For the next week after our date she was very affectionate through text. Lots of hearts, good morning texts all that. Felt pretty good to have a girl that interested in me so I reciprocated. Now we had plans for the weekend after, but she got sick and seemed unsure about the date. So I told her we should hold off and reschedule. She suggested the next week, so we made plans for then.

Now after she became sick, she seemed a bit more reserved. She would still initiate and carry on conversation, but wasn’t as flirty and all the hearts and shit stopped. So I backed off a bit myself. When it came time for our date, she messaged me in the morning saying “She liked me, but is worried about the distance. We both had conflicting schedules, and when it comes time, neither of us would be willing to leave our jobs to move” She then asked me “what do yout think?”

I told her I would prefer to discuss it in person. So we met that night and talked it over. I said we should just take it one step at a time and she agreed, saying she would like to keep going but to take it slow. We talked a bit about if we were dating other people and she showed me thaybshe had deleted tinder and that she wasn’t really talking to any of the guys she had been seeing. Ended it with a kiss and went on our way.

I was busy the weekend after, then she had to go to a wedding the next. So it’s been almost 3 weeks since I’ve seen her. We talked on the phone last night for over an hour and she still seems quite invested. She did tell me that she had been on 15 dates before she deleted tinder, but most of them never made it to the 2nd date. Bit of a shock, but we’re not exclusive so not much I can say about that. I believe those to be back in January as well.

But up till now, she still hasn’t returned to her super affectionate way of communicating. She still initiates every day if I don’t send her anything, and our conversations are still good. She even talks about things to do in the summer if were still seeing eachother. But I find it strange how she went all in and then seemed to back off a bit.

I have a date with her this weekend, and kind of want to ask where her head is at. I know dumped a ltr guy not too long before we started talking. I’m just not sure if she caught herself getting too involved too quick, or if there is someone else in the picture.
Not quite sure what to do. I like this girl and I’m willing to be patient with her. But I’m also not willing to wait around forever if she is playing stupid games. Any advice?

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