Hi I’m 25M,

It is very annoying to have lived my life, I can notice when people are bored with me, when people don’t like me, when people don’t want my presence. I also can notice the opposite.

I have been liked before (for a period of time), but now I am alone; By giving a childish vibe, a boring vibe, or whatever vibe I’m giving.

I was slightly good socially before but now I’m stuck, never been more alone. I go say hello to people, have a small talk, and them viola.. Even if I gained friends by a good chance of fate, I’m mostly left out and basically not being present.. I want people to enjoy my company, I want to enjoy their company and bring the best out of them, but I just seem like I can’t. I feel socially inept at this point that my depression is crawling down my skin..

How can I change that?
How do I develop charisma and be the person I want to be?!

Although I hate books I do not mind reading some at this point, so please help me out!

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