My gf 25f recently lost somebody and I don’t know how to help does anybody have any advice

Hello I 26m am having an issue a hard time knowing what I need to do or say to help my gf 25f. So recently my gf had a coworker k*ll himself. A bit of backstory, they were friends and then started dating for a few months and she broke things off with him for a few reasons but they still worked together. Recently he k*lled himself in front of their work and she has taken it really hard. I will always be there for her and I listen whenever she talks but I don’t know what to say other than I’m sorry I’m here for you and I love you. I’m not going to lie it hurts when she says she loved him and when she talks about what they did while they were dating and all the good times they had but I keep that to myself because I understand that this situation has nothing to do with me but also it is very hard to hear some of the things she says. I don’t know how to help her through her pain she can’t sleep she hardly eats and she freaks out in the mornings in a panic for reasons she can’t explain. If anybody has any advice on this I would greatly appreciate it I want to be there for her and help in anyway I can.

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