I met this guy off the app and we hooked up that night..in the morning when i woke up he was gone and i found that he unmatched me on the app. He was really good looking and really listened to me and gave me advice..i thought we connected

  1. You’re probably better off not getting over it. Thats just begging to get used again

  2. Sorry this happened, but apps like Tinder still seen by many as “hookup apps” and their members will act accordingly. Maybe just be clearer about what you’re looking for next time?

  3. Move on. Simple. Who cares what someone’s opinion is if they found them on tinder?

  4. I really hate seeing stuff like this so close to when I encourage women to not have casual sex because it fucks them up.

    Nothing against you, it’s just very sad to me.

    Have a cry, get some ice cream, and have a movie night with the girls or something, you can make it through all this

  5. No give a fuck and move on. They’re almost 8 billion people on earth move on and find someone else. Time is money!

  6. You thought wrong. He smashed-n-dashed. If you want someone genuine then secure the relationship/friendship before you secure the bedroom. If you meet a guy off an app and sex him up first thing then be prepared for him to bail and keep your expectations low.

  7. The fact you are this upset after getting ditched by a stranger who pumped and dumped you tells me he probably saw some redflags……

  8. Casual sex usually leads to, well, casualness. It was one night; you’ll live. Women tend not to have it so hard when it comes to finding new lovers.

  9. Time. Friends or family.
    My question to you is, why does this bother you so much? If you don’t know that’s fine, but maybe find out before you do another hook up.

  10. He just wanted sex but also got a good conversation, don’t get down on yourself

  11. I’d be fine dating a hookup but generally speaking a hookup is usually just left at that, so keep your expectations and hopes extremely low for them and enjoy that time while you have it.

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