Hey Reddit,

My husband is turning 40 and we’re going to Las Vegas (Yay). He’s fully aware and helped to plan the trip. What he DOESN’T know is that on our way home in the city where our flight stop-over is, I made the stop-over another two nights and got baseball tickets to see his favorite team.

I’m debating when to tell him about this surprise.

If it were you, would you rather know:
1) Sooner than later

2) On your actual birthday

3) Very last minute when you’re about to board the flight back home

4) Upon landing where you think you’re having a stop over

I’m just trying to make it as fun as possible. He’s super laid back and go with the flow. Kind of thinking of doing an Amazing Race themed week with different surprises (detours) each day- a baseball game being one of them 😊

If anyone has any other fun ideas to add for a 40th birthday surprise please share!

  1. Any of the options honestly. I’m very “go with the flow” when I’m on vacation and as long as we have the free time in our itinerary, idgaf about what we do. But I’m also not your husband so you’ll ultimately have to use your best judgment.

  2. I would totally see that my ticket didn’t make sense in my airline’s app and start asking questions.

    If he won’t pay that much attention, I think it would be cool to step off your flight at your layover destination and see someone holding a sign with his name on it for some kind of car service. That would be a cool way to find out the party isn’t over.

  3. This is such a square answer but I’d want to know earlier. Maybe it affects my packing, or maybe I’m making mental preparations to be home earlier. God I sound like such a dork. Depends on your husband’s personality. You can engage one of his friends to ask about his plans when you get home?

  4. I’m a woman, but I’ve spent enough time in Vegas to say 2. I’m usually pretty dead to the world by the end of the trip and eagerly looking forward to getting home. I would want to know in advance so I saved some effort.

  5. Totally take it as far as you can. He’s already mentally going on vacation, this is a bonus. Pack his team jersey where he won’t see it. Get to the airport and see if you can get him out past security, tell him you just want to quickly go see a famous local landmark, it’ll be quick, right back to the airport. Then go get the bags, and he’ll be confused. THEN tell him. 

  6. Me? I hate surprises, and would want to manage my energy for a couple of extra days of fun.

  7. I’d tell him at the last possible moment, but make sure you pack his favorite team jersey/hat/whatever he might like to have with him at a game if it’s an away game for the team. If it’s a home game, then have part of the surprise be a new jersey/hat/whatever.

    Also, this is awesome.

  8. Tell him at the stop over and surprise him with a brand new Jersey of his favorite team and perhaps his favorite player’s jersey.
    Talk to his friends 1st to make sure they haven’t planned anything for him on his return.

  9. Last minute possible,, maybe take him randomly to get a shirt for his special team and just let the pieces come together.. or but the shirt and whatever else hed want to wear to the game and spring it on him, all ready to go

  10. Tell him now.

    For me anticipating the fun will increase my happiness more than being surprised by the fun. Doesn’t matter if its a blow job or a fancy restaurant. Looking forward to it?? Fuck ya.

    But you know him better than I do. If you think he likes surprises better to do that.

  11. very sweet of you.

    i would probably want to know when we’re still in vegas. only reason is because he might have stuff to handle when he gets home, so having a surprise 2-day extension might throw some things off.

  12. Whats his work situation? He may have told people he’d return the day after you fly out of Vegas.

  13. Let him figure it out when you’re on your way to “dinner” that night, but you’re really on the way to the game.

  14. How well does he handle surprises? Answer that and you will know which option is best.

    Really nice surprise

  15. Day or two before you leave for Vegas so he can pack his jersey and whatever else unless his birthday is before leaving

  16. Were it me, I think the day you board flight “home”. He’s only forty, not 80. He will have the energy. But gauge his mood and what h the night before not to go all out and stay up super late.


  17. That amazing race idea sounds incredible. That’s my vote… start the hype train now!

  18. You love him more than anyone has ever loved me. I doubt that I’m getting anything at all from my girlfriend.

    I think you should tell him the night before you leave Vegas so he can make sure to get good sleep looking forward to it and have time to savor the excitement. Waiting until the last minute might be more for you than for him

  19. When I start packing or better yet when I start planning my schedule which could be weeks out. Since you’re adding two days.
    For me, the first dinner/date that’s somewhat special after you modify the trip, even if completely unrelated to my birthday

  20. I’m not a man but I’d say let him know, maybe give him a card when you sit down on the plane!

    If for no other reason than he might wanna take it easy on the drinking/staying up/whatever if he knows he has something exciting going on the next day.

    He’s gonna love it!!

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