My (16M) girlfriend (15M) have been talking about sex for a long time now, we have been dating long distance and i will meet her this year soon, she told me that she is ready to loose her virginity to me but is also afraid she might become pregnant.
Both of us are eager to have sex and can’t wait any longer, I plan on marrying this girl and I love her with every cell of my body I wanted advice whether we should try sex or wait till marriage or till we are older, we already talked about using protection and I told her that Id pull out.. She said she’s OK with it and wants to do it.
But I still fear that she might get pregnant, I am confused and don’t know what to do
I really want to try sex with her and I know she is the one. Also she said she wants to try hardcore stuff. both of us are virgins and have 0 experience
I don’t know if we should do it or not

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