My husband and I have been married for 6 months, and together for 12 years and 6 months in total.

We have been talking about expanding our sex lives to include other people more. We have previously gone to a few swingers parties and had an amazing time, but stopped when COVID happened and it’s been on the back burner for a bit now.

My husband talks with his friends a lot about how he would like to fuck other woman. He will send pictures to his guy friends on social media of women he finds attractive with comments like ‘I need to put my dick in that’ etc.

I suppose I’m just wondering whether this is a normal mindset for some men? Or whether this is perhaps a bit more unique?

He messaged me the following when he was trying to explain to me the thought process behind it all:

‘I wish for a second you could have my brain. The reason I want to do this is partially as an outlet. I have come to the conclusion that I won’t ever not want to fuck other women, and it’s a massive part of my brain that is geared toward it.

I guess you could say I want to have my cake and eat it. You make my life meaningful but I also want to have meaningless sex. Think about how long we’ve been together and at what age we met. I’m not tired or bored of you by any stretch. Don’t get me wrong. But there is a part of me that wants to try something different.’

Just after a bit of insight or advice really in how to approach his mindset moving forward.

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